Christopher Li

Hey! I’m Chris :)

I call Cupertino, California home, but I am currently studying CS at New York University (CAS ‘26).

In my free time, I like reading (working through Upshift by Ben Ramalingam right now), sports (especially soccer, basketball, and F1) and cafes (always on the lookout for hidden NYC gems!)

Here are some side quests I’m working on or have pursued in the past:

  • Incoming Software Engineer Intern (Summer 2025)
  • Head Teaching Assistant – NYU CSCI-UA 101
  • VimCat – Game aimed at facilitating Vim learning; 1st place at HackNYU
  • Software Engineer Intern at Pulsar – Scraped data from over 250,000 companies; built a ReactJS/NodeJS/MySQL dashboard
  • TL;DR (Discontinued) – Chrome extension that generates paragraph-length summaries and translates news articles, using the OpenAI API

Feel free to get in touch!